Turunnya tiga emiten "kakap" penghuni Indeks DJIA sebagai dampak mengecewakannya released LK Q4/2014 revenue, earnings, margin-margin dan guidance outlook 2014 seperti: emiten Travelers turun -1.7% menjadi $86, Verizon turun -1.3% menjadi $47.70 serta Johnson&Johnson turun -1.1% menjadi $94.03 menjadi faktor pendorong negatif DJIA turun sebesar -44.12 poin (-0.27%) ditutup dilevel 16414.44 disertai kenaikan The Vix sebesar +3.46% ditutup dilevel 12.87.
Sampai dgn perdagangan Selasa (21/01), sudah 61 emiten Blue Chips yg tergabung dlm Indeks S&P 500 melaporkan earnings nya, 56% diantara emiten tersebut melaporkan lebih tinggi dari perkiraan awal (artinya lebih rendah dari rata-rata historis pertumbuhan earnings 63%), sementara 71% diantara emiten tersebut melaporkan revenue lebih tinggi dari perkiraan awal (artinya lebih tinggi dari rata-rata historis pertumbuhan revenue 61%)
Merujuk kejatuhan DJIA sebesar -44.12 poin (-0.27%) & EIDO yang nyaris tidak bergerak alias flat sebesar 0.04%, maka ES memperkirakan IHSG akan bergerak dalam kisaran sempit seiring mulai direleased nya unaudited LK FY 2013 yang nampaknya terdapat indikasi terjadi perlambatan perolehan revenue, earnings beserta margin-marginnya, tetapi bukan berarti kita tidak bisa mencari cuan karena ada beberapa sektor seperti: infrastuktur, konstruksi, konsumer serta CPO berpeluang menguat dalam perdagangan Rabu (22/01).
DJIA -44.12 -0.27% 16414.44
S&P +5.10 +0.28% 1843.80
NASDAQ +28.18 +0.67% 4225.76
VIX +0.43 +3.46% 12.87
OIL +0.38 +0.40% 94.97
GOLD -10.10 -0.81% 1241.8
NICKEL +176 +1.21% 14,726
TIN -150 -0.67% 22,165
CPO +39 +1.53% 2,579
EIDO +0.01 +0.04% 23.40
TLK 36,85 (2,234)
IDR 12,125
Wednesday IDX Range: 4,432 - 4,476
"Have a Splendid Wednesday and GBU All"
Good morning,
U.S. stocks finished mixed on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 rising for a first session in three, and the Dow knocked after results from Verizon Communications, Travelers Companies and Johnson & Johnson.
Dow.........16414 -44.1 -0.27%
Nasdaq......4226 +28.2 +0.67%
S&P 500....1844 +5.1 +0.28%
FTSE..........6834 -2.5 -0.04%
DAX...........9730 +14.2 +0.15%
CAC...........4329 +1.00 +0.02%
Nikkei......15796 +154.3 +0.99%
HSI..........23033 +104.2 +0.45%
Shanghai...2008 +17.1 +0.86%
Kospi.........1964 +10.1 +0.52%
ST Times...3134 +4.97 +0.16%
PSE...........6019 +13.6 +0.23%
Indo10Yr. 8.5987+0.0635 +0.75%
US10Yr.....2.83%+ 0 +0%
VIX...........12.87 +0.43 +3.46%
USD Index...81.10 +0 +0%
Como Indx.278.40 -0.01 -0.00%
DJUSCL......135.49 -0.88 -0.65%
(Dow Jones US Coal Index)
IndoCDS.....221.00 +0.68 +0.31%
(5-yr INOCD5)
IDR......12134+21 +0.17%(blmbrg)
Kurs Tengah BI.. 12122 vs 12110
Euro.....1.3563 +0.0004 +0.03%
TLKM..36.85 +0.23+0.63% Rp2345
ARMS Plc...238.50 +8.25 +3.58%
EIDO.........23.40 +0.01 +0.04%
Oil...........94.99 +1.27 +1.36%
Gold ......1241.66 -12.69 -1.01%
Timah......22150 -50 -0.23%
Nickel......14700 +165 +1.14%
CPO........2578RM +10+1.58%$773
Corn.........425.00 +1.00 +0.24%
SoybeanOil.38.10 +0.36 +0.95%
Wheat.......562.25 -1.25 -0.22%
(DE/ls- 22-01-14)
Wednesday (22/01/2014) Early BIRD Technical Prespective (Edwin Sebayang CSA®-MNC Sec)
IDX Composite 4,432 - 4,476
Pola Two White Soldiers terbentuk atas IDX mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation.
Wednesday Stocks Pick:
ADHI 1770-1890 (TP 2014F:1950) Pola Three White Soldiers terbentuk atas ADHI mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 1800
LSIP 1605-1750 (TP 2014F:2000) Pola Three White Soldiers terbentuk atas LSIP mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 1680
ITMG 25600-26300 (TP 2014F:30600) Pola Three White Soldiers terbentuk atas UNTR mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 25750
PGAS 4610-4800 (TP 2014F:5250) Pola Hammer terbentuk atas PGAS mengindikasikan melambatnya aksi beli. BUY 4650
WSKT 540-59d (TP 2014F:750) Pola Evening Doji Star terbentuk atas WSKT mengindikasikan melambatnya aksi beli. BUY 555
UNTR 19550-20300 (TP 2014F:23600) Pola White Closing Marubozu terbentuk atas UNTR mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 19750
PTPP 1310-1370 (TP 2014F:1430) Pola Inverted Hammer terbentuk atas PTPP mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 1330
TLKM 2200-2295 (TP 2014F:2650) Pola Two White Soldiers terbentuk atas TLKM mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 2245
KLBF 1390-1430 (TP 2014F:1500) Pola Two White Soldiers terbentuk atas KLBF mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 1395
UNVR 27850-28500 (TP 2014F:31500). Pola White Closing Marubozu terbentuk atas UNVR mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 28050
INDF 6700-6850 (TP 2014F:8000) Pola Two White Soldiers terbentuk atas INDF mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 6750
AALI 21700-22650 (TP 2014F:25750) Pola Two White Soldiers terbentuk atas AALI mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 21850
ICBP 10975-11200 (TP 2014F:12650) Pola Three White Soldiers terbentuk atas ICBP mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 11000 (ES CSA®-MNC Sec/Disc On)
KPPI telah menerima dua petisi safeguard dari PT Ispat Indo dan KRAS. Pengajuan safeguard untuk produk baja itu dilakukan karena maraknya impor yang membuat daya saing perusahaan tergerus.
SMRA tidak mencapai target penjualan pada 2013 sebesar Rp 4 triliun karena proyek township di Kelapa Gading terhambat masalah perizinan lahan. Pendapatan perseroan pada Desember 2013 hanya mencapai Rp 3,3 triliun. Untuk tahun 2014, perseroan menargetkan pendapatan perseroan flat yaitu Rp 4 triliun dan menganggarkan capex Rp 1,5 triliun.
Kinerja keuangan WSKT sesuai dengan target pada 2013. Perseroan memproyeksikan pendapatan sebesar Rp 11,16 triliun dengan laba bersih Rp 363 miliar, namun
pencapaian pendapatan berada sedikit dibawah ekspektasi awal.
WIKA menyatakan secara keseluruhan kinerja tahun lalu sesuai dengan target pada 2013. Perseroan menargetkan pendapatan sebesar Rp 15,41 triliun dengan laba bersih Rp 555,06 miliar. Perseroan menyatakan, target RKAP telah tercapai pada 2013.
BSDE estimates FY13 revenue and net profit of Rp5.5tn and Rp2.3tn, respectively, in line with consensus estimate. In 2013, BSDE reported FY13 marketing sales of Rp7.35tn, higher than initial target of Rp7.35tn. In 2014, BSDE targets 5% growth in marketing sales.
PTPP membukukan laba bersih Rp 407 miliar (belum audit) pada 2013, tumbuh 31,46% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 309,6 miliar. Perseroan telah menaikkan target RKAP laba bersih dari Rp 370 miliar menjadi Rp 407 miliar.
KPIG berencana melakukan right issue dengan HMETD dengan saham yang dilepas sebanyak-banyaknya 1,460 miliar saham atau 22,6% dari total saham perseroan. Harga penawaran sebesar Rp1.520 per saham. Setiap pemegang 16 saham yang namanya tercatat dalam daftar pemegang saham pada 5 Februari 2014 berhak atas 5 HMETD untuk membeli satu saham baru yang penuh.
PT Wijaya Karya Beton akan membangun dua pabrik di Cilegon dan Lampung Selatan dengan nilai investasi sebesar Rp525 miliar. Perseroan juga akan memproduksi PC Piles Cylinder dengan diameter. Produk ini merupakan inovasi ini yang pertama di negara-negara ASEAN.
SMGR tengah dalam proses membangun joint venture pabrik semen dengan menggandeng satu investor asing dan dua investor lokal. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan satu pabrik paling sedikit yaitu US$ 150 juta. Tahun ini, SMGR tengah dalam proses pembangunan pabrik Jawa Tengah dan Sumatera Barat yang akan rampung di 2017.
CMNP menyiapkan PUB obligasi konvensional dan syariah sebesar Rp 2 triliun hingga Rp 2,5 triliun yang akan di terbitkan setelah Pemilu yang akan digunakan untuk ekspansi jalan tol. Dalam RKAP pendapatan CMNP full years 2013 sebesar Rp 1,01 triliun dan pendapatan tahun ini diproyeksikan minimal Rp 1,11 triliun.
DSSA mengincar proyek pembangkit listrik di Sulawesi Tenggara, diperkirakan bernilai US$ 100 juta. Dan akan mengikuti pra kualifikasi proyek milik PLN ini.
KBLV terbebas dari perintah pembekuan aset senilai U$ 130 juta. Pembekuan aset perseroan terjadi seiring perintah Pengadilan Tinggi Singapura tanggal 8 Juli 2011 yang memberlakukan perintah larangan mengalihkan aset-aset miliknya.
Pemisahan BUMI dengan Bumi Plc terus molor dari seharusnya 15 Januari menjadi 17 Januari, kemudian mundur ke 20 Januari dan kini tertunda lagi hingga 1 bulan ke depan yakni 21 Februari 2014.
Melonjaknya permintaan investor pada lelang SUN kemarin mendorong pemerintah menyerap Rp15 triliun, di atas target Rp10 triliun. Permintaan yang masuk pada lelang empat seri surat utang mencapai Rp30 triliun, atau hanya naik tipis dibanding lelang sebelumnya Rp29,6 triliun.
SRTG mengkaji peluang investasi baru untuk terjun ke bisnis social media. Meskipun perseroan masih akan tetap fokus berinvestasi di tiga sektor, yaitu infrastruktur, konsumer, dan sumber daya alam.
LOTS Trading Club™ | lots.co.id
Lautandhana Securindo | YJ
Global Market Statistics 22 Jan 2014
DJIA.........16414 -44.1 -0.27%
S&P 500....1844 +5.10 +0.28%Nasdaq......4226 +28.2 +0.67%
FTSE..........6834 -2.47 -0.04%
CAC...........4324 +1.01 +0.02%
DAX...........9730 +14.2 +0.15%
Nikkei......15796 +154. +0.99%
HSI..........23033 +104. +0.45%
US10Yr.......2.83 +0.01 +0.35%
EUR........1.3559 -0.00 -0.01%
IDR..........12134 +21.0 +0.17%
EIDO.........23.40 +0.01 +0.04%
TLK...........36.85 +0.23 +0.63%
ARMS Plc...238.5 +8.25 +3.58%
CrudeOil....94.97 +1.25 +1.33%
Gold...........1242 -11.6 -0.93%
Tin...........22150 -50.0 -0.22%
Nickel......14700 +165. +1.13%
Coal.........80.70 -2.10 -2.54%
CPO......RM2578 +10.0 +0.39%
Global Market Snapshot
• U.S. stocks mostly rose on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 snapping a two-session decline as the materials sector rallied, though the Dow fell on disappointing earnings by three of its components.
• IMF raised its global growth forecast for the first time in nearly two years as expansions in the U.S. and U.K. accelerate, and urged to maintain monetary accommodation to strengthen the recovery.
• Global oil demand will increase this year more than previously forecast, the IEA said.
• Nickel may extend its rally as ban on ore exports crimps supply, Goldman Sachs said. Goldman raised its 12-month price target to $16,000 a metric ton from $15,000.
• Palm oil rose to a 2-week high on speculation that a weakening Malaysian currency may make ringgit-denominated futures more attractive than soybean oil, a substitute in food and fuel uses.
• Indonesia raised Rp15 trillion ($1.24 bn) at a bond auction on Tuesday, well above an indicative target of Rp10 trillion. Its sold all offered securities with lower yields than the previous auction on Jan. 7
• BKPM is targeting 15% or Rp450 trillion (US$36.9 billion) more in realized investments from both foreign and domestic investors in 2014.
1) Indeks Dow Jones 21 Januari 2014 ditutup melemah 44 point (-0.27%) di level 16.414 #kopipagi
2) IHSG 21 Januari 2014 ditutup di level 4,452 menguat 0.47% #kopipagi
3)Sektor properti mulai aktif bergerak LPCK,Ciputra Group,SSIA,KIJA #kopipagi
4) ANTM memulai trend naik jk pendek, support 1050-1100#kopipagi
5) ELSA berhasil break konsolidasi jk pendek. Jk menengah berpeluang ke 400. Support di 360. #kopipagi
6) Banjir yang terjadi saat ini dapat memicu kenaikan inflasi jk pendek. #kopipagi
7) Masa-masa konsolidasi adalah penentuan apakah trend akan melanjutkan trend sebelumnya atau akan terjadi pembalikan. #kopipagi
8) "Know what you own, and know why you own it" Peter Lynch #kopipagi
Salam Profit
Ellen May
Disclaimer : Segala rekomendasi untuk beli atau jual bukan sebuah perintahmelainkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam transaksi saham.
Segala keuntungan & kerugian akibat pembelian saham menjadi tanggung jawab pelaku pasar & merupakan bagian dari risiko fluktuasi pasar.
Media Nusantara Citra | PDF
More twists and turns
MNCN IJ / MNCN.JK | HOLD - Downgrade | Rp2,390.00 - TP: Rp2,600.00
Mkt.Cap: US$2,782.00m | Avg.Daily Vol: US$3.28m | Free Float: 21.00%
Media - Integrated | Author(s): Irenne ACHMAD +62 (21) 30061728,
MNCN has shed c.10% of its market cap YTD. The underperformance appears to be driven more by sentiments than fundamentals. Its CEO’s political ambitions and the ongoing dispute over the ownership of MNC TV have increased its risk perception, curtailing investors’ interest in the stock. The discount to rival SCMA continues to widen to 30%. We keep our earnings forecasts unchanged but cut our target price to Rp2,600, based on 14x CY15 P/E (17.5x previously), as we now assign a larger discount of 30% (from 20%) to SCMA’s target multiple to account for the increased share price volatility and the overhang risks. We downgrade our rating from Add to Hold.
What Happened
Operationally, MNCN continues to see resilient demand throughout 4Q and into 1Q. As with the past seven seasons, MNCN expects “Indonesian Idol”, which began airing on 27 Dec, to buoy its audience share in 1H14. In Dec 13, Trans TV (subsidiary of Trans Corp), led primetime viewership with an audience share of 23.1%, thanks to the parody show “Yuk Keep Smile”. The show took primetime audience share from Trans 7 (its sister company), RCTI, Global TV, Indosiar and Antv. Of late, SCTV has also been attracting more eyeballs, with its primetime share rising 3% pts from Oct to Dec 13.
1. Indonesia sell 15T Rupiah of bonds Vs 10T Rupiah Goal, and Indonesia receives 30.1T Rupiah of bids at auction today. (OVERSUBSCRIBED 3 KALI)
2.BKPM is targeting 15% or Rp450 trillion (US$36.9 billion) more in realized investments from both foreign and domestic investors in 2014.
3.Unilever Wary of 2014 Outlook After Fourth-Quarter Respite
First-quarter underlying sales will rise at the “low-end” of 3 percent to 5 percent, Chief Financial Officer Jean-Marc Huet told analysts today, as economic uncertainty weighs on demand for soaps and spreads. That follows the fourth-quarter’s 4.1 percent growth, which beat analyst estimates.
Indonesia, Brazil and India, which combined make up 18 percent of Unilever’s sales, have each seen their currencies fall more than 10 percent versus the euro over the past year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
4.Nickel Seen Extending Rally by Goldman on Indonesia Ban
Nickel, the best-performing industrial metal this year, may extend its rally asIndonesia’s ban on unprocessed ore exports crimps supply, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
(Slgkpnya see ur email)
5.Telkom Gets $3 Billion Mobile Investment Bid: BusinessTech
Telkom SA SOC Ltd. (TKG), Africa’s largest fixed-line operator, has received a proposal that would see $3 billion spent on buying and expanding its mobile infrastructure, South African-based BusinessTech reported, citing a document it obtained. Its stock gained.
6.Best Countries for Business 2014
Hong Kong again tops the list, thanks in part to the low cost of starting a business there. Canada jumped from sixth place to second largely because of the receptivity of its consumers, measured by the size of its middle class, household consumption and GDP per capita. The U.S. fell from second to third place, as the cost of setting up a business there increased considerably relative to other countries.
The BRIC countries mostly improved their standing this year. Brazil jumped from 61st place to 38th; Russia went from 56th to 44rd place; and India climbed from the 54th position last year to the 48th slot this year. But China continued to slide, dropping from the 19th position in the ranking's first year to a rank of 28 this year, its score on less-tangible costs the 46th lowest among the 50 countries.
7.TKIM : Penandatanganan perjanjian gadai saham Tjiwi Kimia dengan China Development Bank Corporation. (TKIM)
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