Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Rabu, 12 Feb 2014

Wednesday (12/02/2014) Early BIRD Fundamental Perspective (Edwin Sebayang CSA®-MNC Securities)

Kombinasi statement penting yang disampaikan Chairwoman The Fed Janet Yellen dalam first testimony didepan Congress yang mengatakan akan melanjutkan program stimulus (Continuity) untuk mendorong perekonomian karena perbaikan di Pasar Tenaga Kerja masih jauh dikatakan usai serta diatas ekspektasinya revenue & earnings serta outlook beberapa emiten besar memicu rally DJIA yang NAIK TAJAM sebesar +192.98 poin (+1.22%) ditutup dilevel 15994.77 diikuti kejatuhan The Vix sebesar -5.18% ditutup dilevel 14.47.

Merujuk KENAIKAN TAJAM DJIA sebesar +192.98 poin (+1.22%) & EIDO +3.67% maka ES memperkirakan IHSG berpeluang Melanjutkan Kenaikannya ditengah berlanjutnya released laporan keuangan emiten FY 2013 & perkiraan rencana kenaikan BI Rate sebesar 25 bp dalam pertemuan RDG BI yang akan dilakukan Kamis (13/02).

DJIA +192.98 +1.22% 15994.77
S&P +19.91 +1.11% 1819.75
NASDAQ +42.87 +1.03% 4191.04
VIX -0.79 -5.18% 14.47
OIL -0.14 -0.14% 99.92
GOLD +15.9 +1.25% 1290.6
NICKEL -40 -0.28% 14,160
TIN -35 -0.16% 22,165
CPO -6 -0.23% 2,610
EIDO +0.86 +3.67% $24.29
TLK 37.86 (2,298)
IDR 12,140

Wednesday IDX Range: 4,443 - 4,4503


Wednesday (12/02/2014) Early BIRD Technical Prespective (Edwin Sebayang CSA®-MNC Sec)

IDX Composite 4,443 - 4,4503
Pola Bullish Harami terbentuk atas IDX mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal.

Wednesday Stocks Pick:
BMRI 8750-9250 (TP 2014F:9600) Pola White Opening Marubozu terbentuk atas BMRI mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 8900

SMGR 14900-15400 (TP 2014F:16550) Pola Piercing terbentuk atas SMGR mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 15050

BBRI 8700-8950 (TP 2014F:9800) Pola Morning Doji Star terbentuk atas BBRI mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 8775

INTP 21800-22500 (TP 2014F:24100) Pola Three White Soldiers terbentuk atas INTP mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 22000

SMRA 960-1040 (TP 2014F:1050) Pola Four White Soldiers terbentuk atas SMRA mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 980

LSIP 1740-1830 (TP 2014F:2000) Pola Four White Soldiers terbentuk atas LSIP mengindikasikan Bullish Continuation. BUY 1775

JSMR 5250-5500 (TP 2014F:5590) Pola Long White Candle terbentuk atas JSMR mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 5350

ASII 6450-6700 (TP 2014F:7950) Pola White Opening Marubozu terbentuk atas ASII mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 6550

WIKA 1950-2030 (TP 2014F:2400) Pola Spinning Tops terbentuk atas WIKA mengindikasikan munculnya aksi beli. BUY 1975

BBCA 9950-10500 (TP 2014F:11700) Pola Bullish Harami terbentuk atas BBCA mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 10100

UNTR 18100-18975 (TP 2014F:23600) Pola White Opening Marubozu terbentuk atas UNTR mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 18400

CPIN 3850-4000 (TP 2014F:4200) Pola Bullish Engulfing terbentuk atas CPIN mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 3875

BSDE 1540-1630 (TP 2014F:1680) Pola Bullish Engulfing terbentuk atas BSDE mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 1555

ADHI 1880-1970 (TP 2014F:2200) Pola Bullish Harami terbentuk atas ADHI mengindikasikan Bullish Reversal. BUY 1910 (ES CSA®-MNC Sec/Disc On)

1.Mayora Indah   | PDF
Coffee gets more Robusta?
MYOR IJ / MYOR.JK | ADD - Maintained | Rp26,750.00 - TP: Rp34,750.00
Mkt.Cap: US$1,965.00m | Avg.Daily Vol: US$0.13m | Free Float: 67.10%

Mayora has ended it Buy 2 Get 1 Free campaign for Torabika coffee, suggesting that the prolonged price cuts are becoming less effective in galvanising sales volume. Robusta and CPO price rallies may well be the trigger for an end to the price war, hence our more optimistic view. We raise our FY13-15 earnings forecasts by 1-4%, incorporating higher revenue growth on the view that coffee sales may recover sooner than later. This lifts our target price to Rp34,750, still based on 27x FY15 P/E, roughly double the consumer sector P/E. Multiples are likely to expand due to recovery of the coffee segment and further margin expansion which could push earnings growth back to above 20%. We maintain our Add rating.

2.Plantations   | PDF
Possible El Nino in 2H?
NEUTRAL - Maintained
Author(s): Ivy NG, CFA +60 (3) 2261 9073,
Weather experts are predicting the possible return of El Nino in 2H14. Historically, this event has resulted in below-average rainfall in Malaysia and Indonesia, leading to weaker FFB yields and higher CPO price. Plantation share prices typically react positively to this event as the increase in CPO price usually more than offsets the drop in production. We will turn more positive on the upstream players and CPO price prospects if this event is confirmed. We maintain our average CPO price forecast of RM2,700 per tonne and Neutral sector rating. Among our top picks in this space, First Resources, Ta Ann, Astra Agro and London Sumatra would benefit from an El Nino event.

Good morning,

U.S. stocks surged on Tuesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising triple digits and the Nasdaq Composite turning positive for the year, as Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen reassured Wall Street that the Fed would continue the central bank's policy of providing monetary stimulus to bolster the economy.

Dow.........15995  +192.9 +1.22%
Nasdaq......4191  +42.9   +1.03%
S&P 500.....1820  +19.9   +1.11%

FTSE..........6673  +81.1   +1.23%
DAX...........9479  +188.9 +2.03%
CAC...........4283  +46.2   +1.09%

Nikkei......14718   closed   +0%
HSI..........21963   +388.7  +1.78%
Shanghai...2104   +17.6    +0.84%
Kospi.........1932   +8.8      +0.46%
ST Times...3029   +11.9     +0.39%
PSE...........6106   +63.8     +1.06%

Indo10Yr. 9.1127  -0.0127   -0.14%
US10Yr.....2.72%  +0.04     +1.53%

VIX...........14.51    -0.75     -4.91%

USD Index...80.64 +0.007 +0.0009%
Como Indx.290.21 +1.32   +0.46%
DJUSCL......130.89 +3.00   +2.35%
(Dow Jones US Coal Index)

IndoCDS.....212.83      -          -
(5-yr INOCD5)

IDR......12148 -25  -0.0127%(blmbrg)
Kurs Tengah BI..12174  vs  12166
Euro.....1.3638 -0.0006  -0.044%

TLKM..37.86 +0.67 +1.80% Rp2300
ARMS Plc...224.25 +3.25   +1.47%
EIDO.........24.29   +0.86   +3.67%

Oil...........99.92     -0.07    -0.07%
Gold ......1290.57  +15.69 +1.23%
Timah......22150    +100   +0.45%
Nickel......14120    +20     +0.14%
Coal..........76.85    -3.05    -3.82%
CPO.........2611RM -5 -0.19%$783
Corn.........441.50  -1.50   -0.34%
SoybeanOil.38.85 +0.12  +0.31%
Wheat.......590.25 +7.25  +1.26%

(DE/ls- 12-02-14)

1)      Indeks Dow Jones 11 ebruari ditutup di level 15,994.77 naik 192.98point (1.22%) #kopipagi

2)      IHSG 11 Februari 2014 ditutup di 4,470.19 naik 19.44 point (0.44%) #kopipagi

3)      ADRO range trading 940-980, potensi uji resisten di 980 dan 1000. UNTR 18000-18950. ENRG range trading 76 sd 85#kopipagi

4)      CPO : AALI trading range 23000-24000. LSIP trading range 1770-1850. #kopipagi

5)      Metals : ANTM trading range 1020-1100, TINS 1300-1385. INCO trading range 2500-2600 #kopipagi

6)      Sektor lain : PNLF trading range 235-255. SMCB trading range 2140-2260. KAEF trading range 745-840. #kopipagi

7)      BAJA, BBRI waspada profit taking #kopipagi

8)      BDMN capai target jangka pendek #kopipagi kemarin. Salam profit. Masih ada sedikit upside, tetap waspada profit taking.

9)      BKSL & CTRA capai target jangka pendek dr #kopipagi 10 Feb. Masih ada upside namun mulai waspada profit taking

10)  JSMR capai target #kopipagi 7 Feb. Range baru 5300-5450

11)  BSDE, KIJA masih ada upside, namun mulai waspada profit taking. #kopipagi

12)  LCGP breakout lagi, strong uptrend, jangan dikejar, tunggu koreksi. #kopipagi

13)  Waktu adl teman baik investor. Trend adl teman baik trend follower trader. Fluktuasi adl teman baik swing trader #kopipagi

14)  Kopipagi bisa juga disimak di http://goo.gl/QkY3cd dan www.ellen-may.com Demikian #kopipagi 12 Februari 2014 salam profit !

Untuk mendapatkan #kopipagi update saham harian, eksklusif ke email Anda GRATIS, join http://goo.gl/QkY3cd

Disclaimer :  Segala rekomendasi untuk beli atau jual  bukan sebuah perintah melainkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam transaksi saham.


1,ADHI berhasil membukukan kenaikan Laba Bersih yang luar biasa di tahun 2013 yakni sebesar Rp405,9 miliar tumbuh 91,9% dari perolehan di tahun 2012 sebesar Rp211,6 miliar. Dari total pencapaian Laba Bersih tersebut, Anak Perusahaan ADHI yakni Adhi Persada Properti (APP) dan Adhi Persada Realti (APR) memberikan kontribusi masing-masing sebesar Rp117,9 miliar dan Rp75,4 miliar. Hal tersebut mencerminkan diversifikasi bisnis ADHI yang tidak lagi didominasi oleh jasa konstruksi semata. Dengan pencapaian Laba Bersih tersebut, ADHI mencatatkan Laba Bersih Per Saham Dasar (Earnings Per Share - EPS) sebesar Rp225,4 yang menjadikan ADHI salah satu pilihan menarik dalam bursa saham di Indonesia, dengan masuk kembali dalam Indeks LQ-45 pada Bursa Efek Indonesia untuk periode perdagangan Februari sampai dengan Juli 2014.

2.PT PP (Persero) Tbk. (PTPP) bakal merampungkan akuisisi perusahaan alat berat konstruksi,  PT Prima Jasa Aldodua, senilai sekitar Rp200 miliar pada akhir bulan ini. proses penaksiran nilai akuisisi saat ini masih dilakukan oleh appraisal dan diharapkan transaksi akuisis akan selesai akhir bulan ini. Langkah perseroan melakukan akuisisi perusahaan alat berat tersebut guna mendukung bisnis konstruksi perseroan. Manajemen PT PP mengestimasikan pertumbuhan bisnis jasa konstruksi sekitar15%-20% pada 2014.

3.REMINDER : Anak usaha PT Dyandra Media International Tbk., PT Graha Multi Utama bersama PT Tridaya Perkasa, mendirikan PT Cipta Graha Perkasa yang bergerak di sektor perhotelan.

4.PT Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk (LCGP) berencana menggelar ekspansi lumayan besar. Emiten yang sebelumnya bernama PT Laguna Cipta Griya Tbk ini berniat membangun superblok "Eureka Township" di kawasan Jakarta Timur. Sebagai permulaan, LCGP akan membangun delapan tower mixed-use, yang terdiri dari apartemen, gedung perkantoran dan hotel pada semester II 2014.

Rumors said Finance Tbk PT TIFA ( TIFA ) will distribute large dividends in 2014. Due to, the company's profit growth throughout 2013 and are up significantly. TIFA earnings in 2013 were estimated to translucent Rp50Milyar or Rp45 per shares. The target price can be reach Rp700. TIFA recorded a stable performance and steadily increasing in the past 5 years, due to  by strong leasing financing and inefficient management. TIFA is also relatively free of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance related to new advances to credit vehicles that came out in March 2012. This is because, in the scheme of financing the leasing company's assets do not change hands . This leads to increased profits TIFA can remain in the years to come. TIFA also one of the public companies that pay dividends regularly. Since the IPO in 2011, recorded TIFA always distribute dividends each year. TIFA shares in early 2014 has been increased by 66 % or Rp198 than the share price at the close of 2013 . TIFA  one of liquid stock, evidenced by TIFA stock trading volume continues to increase. In trading yesterday, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, TIFA as much as 17.426 times the recorded transactions worth a total of nearly Rp30 billion. Disclaimer >=) N

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